Monday Playlist Header Image

Hello again, music fans!

The Demon Music team are back with another Monday Playlist – all for your listening pleasure!

This week we’ve dusted off our air guitars and got our leather trousers on for a mix of classic rock hits! Rather than going for the obvious licks from various classic rock compilations, we’ve delved into our own collections to bring you our personal favourite guitar-filled anthems. Get ready to rock!

We’ve also included our personal Twitter handles in this week’s post, so you can have a chat to us about our selections as you listen. Alternatively, why not subscribe to our Twitter list for a customised feed that comprises all of our tweets in real time?

For now though, enjoy, and remember to come back in a week’s time for the third instalment of The Monday Playlist.

Nicola, Music Editor x

P.S: You’ll need to download Spotify and grab yourself an account to access the playlist!


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1. ‘Pour Some Sugar On Me’ – Def Leppard

Harry Dean (@harrydeansays) says: “Back in the Era of big hair, big music and big guitar riffs, Def Leppard released this classic rock tune that you can still find on the radio today.  A classic rock and roll tune to sing in to your hairbrush whilst alone in the bedroom!”


2. ‘Bitch’ – The Rolling Stones

Alex Underwood (@broadcasteralex) says: “‘Bitch’ is a fantastic rocking number from an album which some consider the Stones’ best. A favourite of live shows (and even performed recently with the Foo Fighters’ Dave Grohl), this song is the perfect mix of raunchy lyrics, blues licks, and pure rock. It’s even got a reference to Pavlov in it!”


3. ‘Fire Woman’ – The Cult

Bradley Duggan (@bradley_duggan) says: “The Cult are one of the best rock bands to come out of England in the 80’s. This song is so distinctive from the first note, and has a chorus that is substantially better than the other masterpieces from the 1987 album Electric. If you haven’t heard the album, then you are missing out on this magnum opus!”


4. ‘Everlong’ – Foo Fighters

Ethan Williamson (@E523W) says: “Not entirely sure that it truly counts as ‘classic’, but ‘Everlong’ is one of my all time favourite tracks. It is also a track that helped define the music that I listen to today. From the opening to the end, it just makes me happy – in a wonderfully cheerful, melancholic way.”


5. ‘Paradise City’ – Guns N’ Roses

Natalie Whitehouse (@_natbcfc) says: “When I was younger, me and my sister heard this song on the radio and couldn’t get enough of it! Iconic, punchy lyrics and simply brilliant guitar riffs are just two things that help this song top the category of classic rock. You really can’t beat a bit of GnR.”


6. ‘Barracuda’ – Heart

Hollie Copas (@hideholliehide) says: “As possibly the hardest rocking sisters in history, Ann and Nancy Wilson brought us classic rock riffs and insanely powerful vocals in the audio gift of ‘Barracuda’. A real good, sing-a-long power track. So good in fact that it even features on the Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock game!”


7. ‘Rhiannon’  – Fleetwood Mac

Rachael Scarsbrook (@andthe_machine) says: “Captures Stevie Nicks at her most Janis Joplin-esque. There’s only raw power and passion in her voice and every time it gives me goosebumps.”


8. ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ – Queen

Nicola (@NicoClaireAllen) says: “The ultimate Queen song. Mercury’s operatic voice meets insane guitar solos from May, creating perhaps the greatest singalong rock anthem of all time. Not to mention it soundtracked one of the most memorable scenes in Wayne’s World – my most favourite movie ever!”


If you have a couple more minutes to spare, why not check out the past week’s other content?