This is a quick tutorial on how to iron on patches to a denim jacket. My denim jacket was£1 from the East End Thrift Store in London, but you can find a whole variety of budget friendly denim jackets in charity shops across Leicester, on eBay, as well as in high street sales as summer stock is being cleared from shops.
Patches can be anything from band or film related patches or slogans to cute things like flowers and birds. My patches are from Voodoo, located on Silver Street, costing £3 each. However, you can use sites such as Etsy and eBay to find a whole range of patches at an affordable price. A cool denim jacket could usually cost you anywhere between £20-£70 and altogether – patches included – this cost me £7, although, it is still an ongoing project of mine!
Once you’ve got your jacket and patches, you need to decide where you want to place them. I opted for one to go on the pocket, and the other on the bottom. The next (and obvious) step is to heat your iron to around 180 degrees, and line up your patch. Then simply iron over it for around twenty seconds, ensuring all of the corners are stuck down, and wait a few moments for the area to cool before continuing with your next patch.
I left my jacket for roughly twenty minutes to let it cool down and settle. Once you’ve achieved your design, model your cheap and retro look to your friends, family and mirror.