Students are being encouraged to contribute to DMU green initiative.

Green Impact aims to get students and staff to work together to create a sustainable DMU campus.

Faculties and Directorates across DMU work towards a bronze, bronze+, silver or gold award based on their progress to meet the goals of their faculty or directorate workbook.

There are many way students can get involved, with the main two being a Green Impact Project Assistant or as an Environmental Auditor.

Volunteers will work with faculty support staff and academic staff to assist them in their efforts to challenge greener behavior.

You can sign up as a volunteer from now until the end of March by contacting: Sebastian Schellerer on: or Karl Letten:

Auditors will work with faculties and directorates to check everyone is meeting the activities set in their workbook so that they can progress to achieve their award.

Both opportunities contribute to the DMU students HEAR report which in turn goes a long way to enhancing student employability and their student experience.

For more on Green Impact visit @sustainabledmu on Twitter and SustainableDMU on Facebook.