Around Christmas everybody has their own traditions from decorating the tree weeks before Christmas day, waking up at a ridiculous time to open your stocking to the last minute present shopping on Christmas Eve.

In amongst the present buying, the reading and assignment writing for next term and the traditions what we choose to wear on Christmas day can be seen as a minute task.

Deciding what to wear for Christmas day in particular is far from a minute task for me, as over the years finding an outfit for the day has become a tradition. You may only be having a small family Christmas without venturing the house but as it is Christmas you sometimes feel that need to go that extra mile.

It is always best to treat yourself as well as others at Christmas, so buying an outfit whether it is just a shirt or jumper for Christmas day is the perfect gift for yourself.

The Christmas Jumper

As if I could have started with anything else. Since early November high street windows and rails of clothes have been stocked with non-other than Christmas jumpers. The Christmas jumper is only really acceptable to be worn on Christmas day, or for a work’s Christmas party as It would look strange come April if you were still donning a jumper with Santa and reindeers on. Traditionally it seems Christmas jumpers were knitted all year long by grandmothers for their Grandchildren to wear over Christmas, and were not seen as the most desirable present. Nowadays, however it seems like the perfect gift for Christmas is a novelty jumper similar to that worn by Mark Darcy in the Bridget Jones films.

From Primark to Topman the High street are offering colourful, and often sparkly and jingly Christmas jumpers. Some may be seen as far too daring than others with pompons and bells attached, but it is all in the joy of Christmas. For the ones however who choose to embrace the novelty of Christmas jumpers then Primark is place. Primark as we all know is cheap and affordable, two words a student likes to here. So if you are short for cash after spending your money on Christmas presents for your loved ones, but still want a Christmas jumper than look no further than Primark. After all you’ll most likely only wear it once out of the whole year.


On the other hand, for those of us who would prefer a little less novel jumper and something more stylish then Topman, River Island and Next are the places for you.  Still keeping with the joy and elements associated with Christmas the below jumpers are a stylish alternative to a plain jumper for Christmas day. They can also be worn from Christmas Eve all the way through to New Year’s Day if you are that brave, and even though they may be a bit more expensive, some items are worth paying more for.

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Joggers or trousers?

After copious amounts of chocolate, mince pies, nibbles and of course the Christmas dinner the thought of wearing formal trousers or skinny jeans is far from your mind.   Instead the elasticated waist of joggers seems to be a gift in itself. If there is one day where anybody including students have an excuse to stay in loungewear/ PJ’s all day it’s Christmas, (and of course the odd hangover day).

Loungewear seems to be a growing state of dress, especially for us students, with High street stores offering more of a range of jogging bottoms as an alternative to jeans , chino’s or trousers.  Some are even fashionable to:

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For those who believe in fashion before comfort, then invest in a decent pear of smart jeans or trousers.  Where I am not expecting every guy to wear suit trousers, a pair of formal trousers will make for a dapper looking Christmas. Match them with a smart shirt and/or your Christmas jumper you have a smart yet festive look to be displayed through photo albums and on social media.

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Alternatives to the Christmas jumper:

For some the thought of succumbing themselves to a festive jumper of any sorts is a no no. So for the humbugs out there who prefer to dress like it is any other day then we have a few alternatives for you.

A printed jumper or a smart shirt would be the ideal alternative to a Christmas jumper. With a wide range of printed jumpers and formal shirts on offer at especially this time of year then you shall not have a problem finding one for Christmas day.


This season patterns such as Tartan and bold prints and colours such as burgundy and orange are all on trend.  The latter in themselves are festive, so if you prefer not to opt for a festive jumper then at least you could keep within the colour theme of Christmas.

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The finishing touches

Like tying string around a present, placing the topper on the tree, and setting alight to the Christmas pudding with a dash of brandy, finishing your outfit with a few little extras will lead to a fashionable Christmas.  Keeping with the theme of novelties and the fun of Christmas, Christmas inspired socks are the perfect way to finish off your outfit. Where I purchased my own set of a festive feet warmers a few years ago I always try to get the best out of them over the Christmas period.

Pattern and colour has not only influenced menswear items such as shirts and jumpers but it has also trickled down to underwear.  Where socks are not often seen as frequently as other garments they can often tie together your outfit. So why not invest in a pair of festive socks for Christmas.

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So gents what will you be wearing over the Christmas holidays?

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