‘Halls’ is an audio sitcom created by DMU Comedy Society’s Matt Watts. It follows a group of first year students who live together in Halls of Residence at university. Episode One is set in Freshers’ Week as the flatmates move in and meet each other for the first time.
Episode One was originally broadcast on DemonFM on the 25th September 2014. It starred Luke Smith as James, Celia Wilding as Charlotte, Callum Taylor as Tommo and Sarah Keyworth as Alice, with Suzanne Wooley as Debbie, Curtis Young as Rich and Ricky Lount as Craig. You can listen to it here:
Episode Two was originally broadcast on DemonFM on the 23rd October 2014 as part of Matt and James on Catalyst. It starred Luke Smith as James, Celia Wilding as Charlotte, Callum Taylor as Tommo and Sarah Keyworth as Alice, with Kelly Davies as Emma, Ben Bennett as Rob, Reuben Williams Smith as Wallace and David Murphy as the chairman of comedy.