Photo Credit: Katrina Chilver

Photo Credit: Katrina Chilver

The new Leicester Media School launched on Wednesday to a big crowd in the Kenneth Barker Lecture Theater in Bede Island.

Guest of honour, filmmaker Terry Bamber and the inaugural head of the Leicester Media School, Jason Lee unveiled a plaque to commemorate the event at the count of”3..2..1..action!”

Bamber, an assistant director and production manager, has worked on the past six James Bond films and big titles such as 101 Dalmations, The Phantom of the Opera and World War Z.

He shared his experiences in the film industry in a guest lecture after the opening.

The lecture was part of De Montfort University’s Employability Week and Bamber shared career advice from his experiences.

He told aspiring filmmakers in the audience to have a backup.

He said: “You can be the greatest filmmaker out there but you’re not going to work every day of every year.

“There’s no special ingredient [to success]”he said.

Creating a great production is all about team effort according to Bamber.

He added: “We all get invested in our own thing but it’s about the script, the storytelling and giving the actors the chance to do their bit.” he added.

For more information on the Leicester media school, visit

To read more, pick up a copy of The Demon, out Monday, November 17.