Jonathan Pie, played by Tom Walker, a political mouthpiece of an agitated generation, delivered a fantastically thought-provoking show to the audience at The Y Theatre in Leicester.

Pie, whilst open with his self-proclaimed leftist stance, didn’t hold back on taking a wide swing at society, tackling the easily offended far-left, the ignorance of the general public’s voting habits, and the confusing portrayal of Brexit and what “Brexit means Brexit” actually means.

From the past and present Tory leadership and the opposition, to Trump, and even the Liberal Democrats, Pie’s increasingly furious tone lands perfectly on a similarly disgruntled audience, often drawing applause not too dissimilar from a political rally.

Not straying far from his online persona, Pie occasionally drags the show back into the realm of semi-reality, with an impressive visage of dialogue with Tim – the make-believe Producer and Director, filling the role of Pie’s voice of internal conflict. This bizarre twist on the standard structure of a comedy show was held up by the continued act of presenting a “Children in Need” piece-to-camera, which could have been better as a news report, given the nature of the show.

One way in which Pie has adapted to the often-times dated nature of political and current affairs stand-up, is by keeping his topics broad, giving himself the freedom to throw in recent updates, helping the audience to suspend their disbelief of the scenario.

In hindsight, Jonathan Pie delivered a humorous, yet devastatingly true show, lending to the idea that we’re living in a rather tumultuous era. It’s only going to get more interesting from here.