Music is as unique and individual as the people who listen to it, so discovering people’s tastes can be an exciting insight into one’s personality and interests. The likes of Earth, Wind and Fire really resonate with me, and, as a rule of thumb, if it’s from the 80s, I will probably enjoy it. I’m not one to be associated with the stereotypical old man sneering on the younger generations for their interests in music, and you won’t hear me harkening back to ‘the good ‘ol days’ of the 80s, but I’d be turning a blind eye by not admitting that a lot of people my age have their tastes moulded by modern artists. After all, we’ve all grown up seeing the rise of YouTube and the proliferation of music over all forms of media. It’s only natural that many have their tastes in line with mainstream music.

As stated before, people are very much unique, and I’ve come to perceive that sometimes this uniqueness can be used as a tool for outlining people outside of social groups. The problem herein lies with the people you associate with, and not the taste. I’ve come to embrace my tastes, and I’m not ashamed to rock my Sony Walkman and blast some Billy Ocean on a 30-year-old cassette. Better still, I’ve found a group of people that accept me for who I am and what I enjoy, and these, to me, are true friends.

So, the answer to the question is thus: my tastes are very different to my friends, to the point that some recognise one of the songs I’m listening to as ‘That song from the TESCO advert’, but they accept it. Isn’t that just wonderful?